
passeggiata a pizzighettone

pizzighettone è una località musicale
perchè le vicine campagne sono popolate da rane canterine

3 commenti:

Imba ha detto...

belli questi acquarelli...ma li fai te?

胡貴明&食品雕刻(盤飾) ha detto...

本人喜歡嘗試製作各式各樣的菜色也致力於開發新菜色,新世代的人們也都希望吃的健康,吃的好以及能夠吃的養身~所謂食補~就是這意思。  本人拿手菜是廣東菜系,從~老菜~到新做~從中國菜延申到西式化來呈現,這是現在社會所追求與必備的。希望有好的場所可以讓我發揮手藝以及服務社會大眾。http://blog.youthwant.com.tw/hukueiming http://my.youthwant.com.tw/showcard.php?id=1909343
< 知懂傳統精美髓 才亦現代之顛覆>
沒有懂過去了解 何來看法想法 及改良和創 新意

maristella mangipinto ha detto...

i'm very happy of your answer but i can't understand taiwan idiom...
Please could you translate in english if it is possible???
Anywhere your works are very funny and perfect manifacturing art!!!!